Ladies and Gentelman,
In accordance with art. 12 and with regards to art. 12 and art. 14 European Parliament and Council Regulation (UE) 2016/679 from 27 of April of 2016 concerning the protection of individuals with regard to automatic processing of personal data and concerning free movement of data and to repeale of Directive 95/46/WE (next in short RODO)
we inform, that
The Administrator of your personal data is G&V Trading s.r.o (Ltd), e-mail: (next in short Administrator)
your personal data will be processed by Administrator in the following purposes and in the following legal basis:
- On basis art. 6 paragraph 1 point b GDPR – in purpose of conclusion and correct performance of agreement with your Administrator. In addition your personal data will be processing to undertake necessary measures by the Administrator on your request at the stage before conclusion of agreement with Administrator;
- On basis art. 6 paragraph 1 point c GDPR – in purpose to fill incumbent on Administrator legal obligations, such that making a financial and accountancy settlement, in this issue of accountancy documents.
- On basis art. 6 paragraph 1 point f GDPR – in purpose resulting from the legitimate interests carried out by Adminitrator, such that setting, defence and redress by Administrator and forwarding you a commercial information by Administrator
In the case of personal data, which Administrator acquired from other entity, than persons of personal data concern, Administrator to inform, that Administrator acquire from his counterparty in this situation, being employer or payer of person, which his personal data concern and processing of personal data like name and family name, position, name of emplyer, address e-mail, phone number, and ID number
The Administrator does not process of special categories like personal data.
The receivers of your personal data will be only persons authorised by Administrator the processing of personal data like employees of Administrator, entities the processing of personal data for hire, and to testify on his behalf of accountanting services, legal, financial to ensure technical and telecominication services based on agreement entrasment of personal data and bodies and institutions towards, Administrator is obliged to forward your personal data based on mandatory law regulations.
In addition the receiver of your personal data will be institutions providing towards Administrator wsservices like banks, post offices, speditors, or couriers.
- Your personal data will not forward outside of European Economic Area or to the international organisation. The forward your personal data outside of European Economic Area or to the international organisation may be occur, when will it be necessary in purpose to realise of agreement and exclusively in case, when the third country or intarnational organisation provide required rules of GDPR the degree of security your personal data.
- Your personal data will be process and store by Administrator through period of time the concluded agreement from your side and Administrator, in connection your personal data are processing.
Notwithstanding the above Administrator will be entitled to proces your personal data even after termination of a contract on based realising own the legitimate interests in purpose forward you a comercial information or security against claims until the expiry of the deadline of statute of limitations possible claims. Instead your personal data fixed in accountancy documentation will be held through period of time indicated in generally aplicable laws and in tax rules.
- Without constraint to restrictions resulting from GDPR and other universally binding law you have the right availibility to your personal data, rectification, remove, reduce of processing, and also right to transfer personal data.
In addition with reservation of restrictions resulting from GDPR and other generally applicable laws, in each time are entitled you the right to opposition towards to transfer personal data in the field for which they are transfer by Administrator for direct marketing purpose or under other justified interes of Administrator, if the objection is legitimate particular situation which you are in.
- In case recognition that your personal data are stored in breach with GDPR shall be entitled to the reach to transfer complaint to supervisory body – Inspector General for the Protection of Personal Data.
- Personal data submission is obligatory in purpose of entering and executing contracts by Administrator and due to guarantee of security legitimate interests of Administrator, in particular for reason accountancy, fiscal, and for service, investigation and protect against possible claims connected with agreement. The rejection or failure your personal data in the field necessary of entering and executing contract will prevent of entering and executing contract.
- The Administrator does not take towards your decission in a way of automated, including through profiling
- The Administrator is obligated to provide every effort, that to provide a physical, technical, and organisational measures of security your personal data aggainst accidental or deliberate destruction, loss, change, unauthorited disclosure, use or access according with GDPR or other with commonly aplicable law in the field of security personal data.
The above informing clause realise law obligatory resulting from European Parliament and Council regulation (UE) 2016/679 from 27 of April of 2016 in case protection of individuals in connection with transfer personal data and in case free movement of personal data and repeal of Directive 95/46/WE. The clause does not require no action from your site.